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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Lost In Translation

Unique lunacy of a foreign language Someone asked me to help to translate a restaurant menu and she claim to have good knowledge of english as she has worked in a hotel reception few years ago. Here are some samples of the original translation.

German :Tageskarte ........... Translation: Daily map

Lumberjack Steak
German : Schweinerückensteak mit Schmelzzwiebel und Röstkartoffel ............Pig back steak with fusion bulb and roasting potato

German: Züricher Geschnelzeltes von Truthahnbrust auf feinen Champignon a la crema und hausgemachten Spätzle.
......Inhabitant of Zurich Geschnetzeltes of the turkey on fine mushrooms à la crème
and house-made schwabian noodles

Do I really need to translate ? :-)

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