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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Crispy Trout with Green Sauce

Easy to prepare, packed with goodness
I picked up 2 flipping fresh trouts from the fish farm nearby in the morning.  They were scaled and gutted on the spot which saved me the messy job of doing that at home. My initial plan was to bake them in foil so I went into the garden for some fresh dill.  No luck !   Frost got to them during the night. So I decided to panfry them.  While running water over the trouts, I didn't notice that the tap was on HOT and......
Uuups! Naked trouts.

Here is the receipe :

Dust the trouts over with flour, panfry at medium till done.
Meanwhile, cook up some potatos, set aside and keep warm.
The green sauce is mainly made from (what I salvaged from garden) parsley, basil, some chives and 2 cloves of garlic.  Less garlic if you don't want to walk around smelling of a would-be vampire hunter.

Ingredients for green sauce
A handful of parsley mixed with basil
some chives
2 cloves garlic (or less)
2 tbsp mayonaise
200ml sour cream
1 tsp sugar
salt and pepper to taste
dash of lemon juice (optional)

Put herbs and garlic in Blitzhacker.
Pulse few seconds with blitzhacker
Add mayonaise and sour cream and give it another short pulse.
Add sugar, salt and pepper to taste.
This sauce is also great with hardboiled eggs.

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